Well fellow assassin's, we've done it! Through a crazy viral Ubisoft ad campaign (that all of us ran ourselves) the first ever Assassin's Creed 3 gameplay footage is here, I'll ...
So one countdown has ended, and we can start many more now (till e3, till october 30th are 2 that come to mind) and it is official! Assassin's Creed 3 ...
Thanks to one of our tipsters at Rogers, we've got our hands on some of the new training materials being passed around about the new Sony Arc and Play that ...
The Samsung Galaxy S hit the world by storm last year causing one of the biggest Android booms in Android's short history so far, and well, Samsung has finally teased ...
A new flyer has shown up at Rogers stores showing off it's newly exclusive android handsets the Sony Arc and Play! With a launch date in just a couple days ...
So our buddies over at engadget posted up this great picture from Quadrant Standard on Android which is a performance benchmarking tool available for free on all Android devices. Now ...
So it's official, Angry Birds are everywhere, and well, theres one more new app for you to install now totaling up to 3 for most now, Angry Birds Rio has ...
The Samsung Galaxy S II, Samsung's upcoming powerhouse set to renew the smartphone world again like it's popular Galaxy S series did, is already at the top of our list ...
So the day has finally arrived, it is March 27th, 2011 and the Nintendo 3DS has finally arrived! Much to our surprise we have not seen any lines, or any ...