Whats that? You read it correctly, Rogers has begun selling the fabled Blackberry 8520 WITHOUT data, that’s right BBM addicts can now get their fix without signing another 3 year contract for those $40 or $50 plans a month!!
Basically how this new plan works is ANY Unlimited Messaging plan (including the $30/month) voice only plan with unlimited messaging will qualify the phone for $49.99 and you’ll get unlimited text and unlimited BBM. There’s no email or social networking but for parents wanting to quiet their kids begging for Blackberries with BBM, this is a dream come true.
As of February 8th these plans are active so start BBMing without Data folks and let us know how these go!
The only thing that doesn’t count with these plans is the unlimited browsing for regular phones (since the BB 8520 is a smart phone), so don’t get any ideas of unlimited browsing as well as BBM for that price, but it’s a start to a better plan for everyone!
my bbm doesn’t work though.
you have to make sure they add the bbm code to the account but as long as you have an unlimited messaging plan you can get it!